• 03 August 2010

They've done it!

Congratulations to Rector of Tullylish, Revd Arthur Young and Seapatrick Youth Pastor, Martin Montgomery, who have crossed the finish line on Day 7 of their charity cycle ride. 

The pair have covered 430 miles and visited all the churches in the diocese in six and a half days. They are tired, toned and sunburned from their days on the road, but elated to have reached their target. Their challenge will formally end tomorrow evening with a service at 6.30pm in Seapatrick Parish when Bishop Harold will welcome them back. 

Martin and Arthur are very appreciative of the interest people have shown throughout the week.

"The whole thing has been made easier by the support and encouragement of those who have texted, emailed and come out to see us. It's been great knowing that goodwill behind us," says Martin.

The pair left Tullylish Parish on morning Sunday 1st August along the way visiting and photographing every church in the diocese and raising money for the Northern Ireland Childrens' Hospice and Seapatrick's 'Save Our Spire' fund.

So don't forget to give!