• 10 August 2010

Two charitable initiatives from St Anne's Cathedral

Belfast Cathedral has announced two new charitable and relief initiatives for Pakistan and the Belfast City Hospital Cancer Centre.


A barrel to receive donations for the Pakistan disaster is now available in St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfast for the next two weeks.

The Dean of Belfast, Very Rev. Dr. Houston McKelvey, said "People have been contacting us to make this facility available. Earlier this year almost £150,000 was donated to the Haiti Disaster from donations placed in the barrel".

Alex Higgins Commemorative Booklet

The demand for copies of the Order of Service for the funeral of Alex Higgins has been such that a special commemorative edition has been produced. It contains the poem read by his daughter Lauren, tributes by Alex's colleagues and the address by the Dean.

The commemorative booklet is available from the stewards’ desk in the Cathedral. The cost is £3 with all proceeds to the Cancer Centre. Copies are available by post @ £4.Copies are available at the cathedral priced £3, and all proceeds are for the Cancer Centre at Belfast City Hospital.

The sum raised will be added to the £1,400 plus already raised for the Cancer Centre at Belfast City Hospital from the retiring collection at the thanksgiving service for the former World Snooker Champion.

For further information, please contact:

Houston McKelvey

Dean of Belfast

Belfast Cathedral

Donegall Street





