• 11 August 2010

Welcome to Maghaberry

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At a service of Introduction on 1st August 2010, Revd Carlton Baxter was welcomed as NSM Minister in Charge at The Church on the Hill, Maghaberry.

Revd Carlton Baxter, said: "The Church on the Hill is a joint congregation of Church of Ireland and Methodist worshippers. As such it presents a wonderful opportunity to convey in a very real way a unified people following the Gospel of our Lord Jesus in their community. In a fractured world where difference and diversity are often exploited in negative ways, here we have one people in one church, prayerfully worshipping under the one living God. That has to be a good thing in terms of what it says to those looking in!

"Of course the situation also presents great challenges but prayerfully and in God's will we will meet those in His strength. It's an exciting time in the Church on the Hill and I look forward to it immensely. I thank the people of the Church on the Hill for their welcome and also the people of Shankill Parish Church in Lurgan for their support, encouragement and prayers over the last three years."

I've been ordained for just over three years and was previously an NSM curate in Shankill Parish Church in Lurgan. I'm married to Jane and have three children, Emma, Rebekah and Peter. When not in church I run a public relations business in Belfast helping companies throughout Ireland, GB and in the USA. Spare time is spent watching a good movie.

Carlton is pictured with Bishop Harold Miller and Methodist colleague Revd Liz Hewitt.