• 03 September 2010

Back to basics with Just10

This autumn Willowfield & Mount Merrion Parish Churches get back to basics with the Ten Commandments.

In our world, most people have heard of the Ten Commandments, God's basic instructions for our lives that, when followed, help us live in freedom every day. These core principles are designed to equip and guide us through life, keeping us on the right path, and helping us navigate through the tough times. But are they really relevant to us today?

This autumn Mount Merrion & Willowfield Parish churches are joining with thousands of churches across the UK, Canada and Australia to present the Ten Commandments as you’ve never heard them before.

Unlike the do's and don'ts most people imagine when quizzed about the Maker's Instructions, the message is to be both a challenge and an encouragement. Thou shalt not steal is entitled, 'How to prosper with a clear conscience' and Thou shalt not commit adultery is unpacked as 'How to Affair-Proof your Relationships'.

Inspirational speaker J.John, the founder of Just10, believes that "the Ten Commandments - God's top 10 - are not obsolete, they are absolute," and of a recent series, J.John commented, "I have been enormously humbled at the way the series has helped people to re-assess, re-focus their priorities and in many cases, restart their lives."

The realisation that society shows many alarming signs of having turned its back on God gave J.John the desire to reach out to people in a new and engaging way. This autumn thousands of people from all across the UK will all have the opportunity to hear these life changing truths about ourselves and about the society we live in today.

Living in the 21st century has many challenges and not many answers. Over ten weeks Willowfield & Mount Merrion Parish Churches will be looking at the Ten Commandments and applying them to daily life. Rather than being an irrelevant set of rules Mount Merrion & Willowfield Parish Churches will present the commandments as an essential guide to modern life.

The 10-week event, is being held at two separate venues, Mount Merrion Parish Church and Willowfield Parish Church and begins on Sunday 26th September to Sunday 28th November. It is open to everyone, starting at 7pm until 8.20pm





or call 028 90457654 for more details.

Visit the Just 10 website to discover more about the programme.