• 14 September 2010

New drama about the persecuted church to visit Belfast

A new production dramatising the secret lives that many Christians are forced to live in countries where persecution is commonplace is about to go on tour.

The drama, Secret Believers, which has been produced by the Saltmine Theatre Company, was inspired by the bestselling book of the same name by Brother Andrew, founder of Open Doors, and tells the story of a two new believers from a Muslim background who are faced with decisions that will shape the rest of their lives.

The production will visit nine venues across the north of the country and will be performed in Belfast on 27th September at 7.45pm in Willowfield Church.

As well as its central theme of persecution, Secret Believers, which is based on true accounts from persecuted Christians, addresses issues of integrity and truth, religious and cultural identity, as well as our understanding of God. The play's creator, David Robinson, says "Secret Believers is a dramatic and inspiring insight into the lives of those for whom faith costs the most. This is theatre to engage, inform and inspire."

Its two central characters Amir and Nadia, are both Muslims who have recently turned to Christ, after discovering the truths of the Christian faith for themselves. Like many new believers in the Muslim world, Amir and Nadia are rejected by their families, and their decision leads to interrogation by the police and pressure from the authorities to recant their faith and return to Islam.

Belfast and doors

Eddie Lyle, CEO of Open Doors UK and Ireland, commented, "Living in today's world with its multi media highway and information on tap, we have no excuse to be ignorant any longer about the persecution many believers face on a daily basis. We hope Secret Believers will lift the lid on persecution as never before, and our vision of a world where every persecuted Christian is remembered and supported by other Christians will become a reality."

Tickets cost £6 (Concessions £5)*To book your ticket phone the Saltmine box office - 01384 454808

*A 50p Booking fee applies to all orders