• 14 September 2010

New rector instituted at Waringstown and Donaghcloney

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Revd Bryan Martin was instituted by Bishop Harold as rector of the Parish of  Donaghcloney in the Diocese of Dromore on Friday 17th September 2010.

The service took place in Holy Trinity Church, Waringstown and the preacher was Revd Trevor Johnston, Crosslinks Ireland Team Leader.

"Lesa, Joel, Tamah, Elijah and I are really looking forward to working in the Parish of Donaghcloney," said Bryan. "We leave Dromore, (Clogher Diocese), with a heavy heart, but a lot of new friends and happy memories.

"Having served as a curate-assistant in the Parish of Magheralin, and having some family members near by, means that the area is not unfamiliar to us.

"Our vision is to see people meet with Jesus, and be renewed by His Spirit. We want people to be encouraged to learn and share with others the good news of Jesus in word and deed. 

"Please pray for the parish as they get to know us, and for our family as we adjust to a new home, a new community, and a new parish."

Click here to see a few more photos.