• 01 September 2010

Revd Colin Davis instituted in Carrowdore and Millisle

Revd Colin Davis was instituted as rector of the Parish of Carrowdore and Millisle on Wednesday 1st September in Christ Church, Carrowdore.

Revd Canon David McClay, rector of Willowfield, gave the address and Colin was given a warm welcome by representatives of the local community.

Born in Ilford Essex, Colin grew up in the Anglican church in Chelmsford, and also became heavily involved in the Boy's Brigade through a local Baptist congregation.

Colin's wife Kathryn (Kath) comes from Larne and they met through Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade in Chlemsford when she came over for college and have been married just over 19 years. They have three children Chris (15), Matthew (12) & Grace (7) and a chocolate (colour not taste) Cocker Spaniel called Lilo.

Colin spent 14 years working in banking and finance industry commuting into London before finally acknowledging, after 6 years, God’s call to ordained ministry.

They moved to Nottingham in 1997 where Colin trained at St. John’s for 2 years before moving to St. Mary’s, Bletchley, Milton Keynes for his Curacy and then to North Devon in 2002 to be a Team Vicar.

"After nearly 8 years there we are sad to leave many great friends," said Colin, "but we're also looking forward to our new lives here in Northern Ireland, what God has in store for us and in making many more great friends as we explore God’s will and serve His church together."

Pictured left to right with Bishop Harold and Revd Colin Davis are the churchwardens Lynne Goudy and Malcom Wallis (Carrowdore) and Colin Williamson and Iris Johnston (Millisle).