• 09 September 2010

Statement on the proposed sectarian attack on the Islamic Faith

As Bishops of the Church of Ireland, we join our voice to the widespread international condemnation of the plan to burn copies of the Islamic Sacred scriptures.  This deliberate desecration of scriptures sacred to all Muslims is a gratuitous act of sectarianism and totally contrary to the Christian spirit of love and reconciliation. We recognise that the pain of this outrage will be felt by members of Islamic communities throughout the world.

We wish to assure members of the Muslim community in Ireland that we condemn this sectarian act. We hope that as we continue to meet, talk and work together for the common good, our understanding of one another's faith will grow and friendship between Christian and Muslim will deepen.

The Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue of the Church of Ireland last week held a successful conference to encourage Church of Ireland members to engage in Inter Faith Dialogue. Conference delegates visited the Islamic Centre in Dublin where they were graciously received. The ensuing dialogue with Islamic leaders was open and frank and conducted in a spirit of hospitality and friendship. The offence offered to these our 'inter-faith’ friends by such an outrage is deeply deplored by us.


The Most Revd Alan Harper (Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland)

The Most Revd John Neill (Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland)

The Most Revd Richard Clarke (Bishop of Meath and Kildare, Chairman C of I Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue)

The Right Revd. Michael Jackson (Bishop of Clogher and Chair of the Inter Faith Group of the Commission)

The Right Revd. Trevor Williams (Bishop of Limerick and Killaloe)