• 23 September 2010

Vehicles of Hope in Sudan

In 2009, the Church of Ireland was approached by Donnelly Brothers, a car dealership based in Dungannon, Northern Ireland about an exciting and generous donation.

Raymond and Terence Donnelly, owners of the company, had been challenged by the actions of a friend who had donated a generator to the Roman Catholic Church working in Kenya. They had been astounded by the impact that was felt in Kenya by the provision of something that seemed so ordinary. The Donnelly brothers felt inspired to do something to help the Church in Africa bring good news to poor communities. Given their line of business, the focus seemed obvious: Vehicles for Africa.

Donnelly Brothers were offering 50 vehicles to organisations representing the four main churches in Ireland. CMS Ireland was fortunate enough to receive a donation of four Tata off-road vehicles. These vehicles were allocated to our Global Partners in Sudan, Burundi and Kenya.  Such multi-purpose vehicles represent great potential and value to the ministries of our Partners, helping to bring hope and healing in a practical way.

Recently, two of these Tata vehicles arrived in Sudan: one in Maridi Diocese and the other in Kajo Keji Diocese. These vehicles have already been put to work in both dioceses.  Bishop Justin Badi of Maridi Diocese contacting Partnership Coordinator David Gough to express his thanks shares this message,

"We would like to register our sincere thanks and appreciation for the Tata Safari car which was donated to us by CMSI we have received it with many thanks and today we have started using it for the Diocesan projects and programs."

The Donnelly Brothers were challenged by the generosity of a friend, to do something amazing with something very ordinary, a practical off road vehicle. The impact of their donation will be felt for years to come in those places which received a vehicle. For Maridi Diocese, this vehicle provides much needed transport to reach the unreached or isolated, to enable their ministries, to deliver food and medical supplies - to be a vehicle of hope and change for the local communities.

For more information about Maridi and Sudan, please visit the CMS Ireland website.