• 20 October 2010

Churches rise to challenge presented by austerity measures

Churches across the UK are set to play an even greater role in supporting the poor and needy following the Comprehensive Spending Review.

Steve Clifford, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance said: "The church already is, and must continue to be a place of shelter for those most in need.

“David Cameron's plan for a Big Society, where volunteer groups work toward improving their communities, is something that churches have been doing all along and to great effect."

“I hope that in spite of all these cuts the Government continues to support the incredible and cost saving, community work by Christian groups and others across the country.”

In response to the economic recession, in 2009 the Alliance launched the Life Beyond Debt campaign. This on-going project advises and informs churches on how to better support its local community and members who are facing hard times as well as help prevent and deal with debt and redundancy.

In spite of cuts across the board, Steve Clifford adds: “We fully support the Government’s plans to protect, and increase, spending on Overseas Aid. It’s essential that we do not forget our responsibility to the poorest even during difficult times such as these.”