• 22 October 2010

Hilary McClay visits Ethiopia with Tearfund

Hilary McClay, co leader of New Wine Ireland and wife of Willowfield rector, Revd David McClay, has just visited Ethiopa where some churches have established loan schemes, enabling people living in poor communities to start enterprises.

Hilary describes the transformational impact these schemes have made on one Ethiopian family and the various SHGs she met in this short film. Click here to view (you will be directed to the Tearfund Northern Ireland site).

You may also view another short film of Hilary McClay visiting Self Help Groups in the poorest of the poor communities of Ethiopia. This Church-led development project could bring rapid transformation across Ethiopia, according to a Tearfund partner Kale Heywet Church.

Poor people in rural areas are seeing the improvements in their lives that can be achieved when they work with the church, says Ato Demese Tilahun, from the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church (EKHC) central zone. Click


to view the film (you will be directed to the Tearfund Northern Ireland site).