• 20 October 2010

A memorable Clergy Conference

Every 'Busy Rev' needs to stop and be refreshed and that's what clergy and other diocesan leaders enjoyed during a very memorable Down and Dromore Clergy Conference in Donegal.

We were joined for the four days by several invited guests from the Methodist Church and a number of clergy wives, as well as a group from the Diocese of Albany led by Bishop Bill Love and Bishop Dan Herzog.

The group had high expectations of the main speaker, former Bishop of Durham Professor Tom Wright, and we weren't disappointed. Tom spoke on five occasions, teaching us to re-read the gospels; to understand, pray and preach God's Kingdom. He demonstrated a knowledge and love of the scriptures that was quite breathtaking and, as Bishop Dan commented, 'We very much appreciated the fact that he was able to articulate profound theological insight in clear and understandable language.'

Bishop Harold paid tribute to Tom as one who had exercised quite unselfconsciously among us, both great learning and great humility.''You have been a blessing to us,' he said, 'not just in what you have said but in who you are.'

Tom's 'big picture' was complimented by the three Bible readings given in the local parish church by the Bishop of Derry and Raphoe, The Right Revd Ken Good. Bishop Ken addressed some of the challenges and struggles of ministry as he looked at the heart of David in three studies in the book of Samuel. We were delighted that Ken and his wife Mary acted as conference hosts.

Revd Chris Bennett led informal worship in three of the morning sessions. As we have come to expect, he took us out of our comfort zones, literally, when we donned our coats and headed outside for the Donegal equivalent of the Dock Walks. During worship we also greatly appreciated Alison Cadden's musical leadership on keyboard and organ and that of her fellow singers and musicians.

On Tuesday afternoon the conference welcomed Rev Harold Good and Mr Denis Bradley to reflect on the role of the Churches in forging a shared future for the province. The discussion was chaired by Rev Barry Forde, Chaplain at Queen's University Belfast. Harold Good is a former Methodist President who has dedicated much of his life and ministry to reconciliation. He was also a witness to the decommissioning of IRA weapons. Denis Bradley, a former priest, was appointed deputy chairman of the NI Policing Board on its formation. He has been deeply involved in community affairs in Derry for many years and was co-author of the Eames Bradley Report published in 2009. It was a privilege to have them with us and the exchange was a fascinating one.

On Thursday we had a presentation of the work of Christians Against Poverty (CAP) from Hilary McClay, Basil O'Malley and Chris Cupples. It was a moving presentation, made even more relevant because the Government Spending Review was being announced that day and was surely going to bring more hardship to Northern Ireland. There are presently two CAP Centres in the diocese and a third on the way. Bishop Harold is encouraging parishes to explore ways of supporting those in our communities who are struggling with debt and CAP already has years of experience on the front line.

Another highlight on Thursday was the healing service led by our brothers and sisters from Albany. Many people were anointed with oil and received prayer during that special time .

As well as worship and teaching the group enjoyed some leisure in the glorious surroundings of Co Donegal. We marked two 'big' birthdays (whether they liked it or not) with Archdeacon Philip Patterson turning 60 and Canon Terence Cadden hitting 50. Brandy also put together a table quiz on the last evening which Bishop Harold's team won (to cries of 'fix'!).

The conference was the diocese's 6th and perhaps the best yet. 'The teaching was superb and met clergy needs in both practical and spiritual ways,' said Revd Gillian Withers, rector of Greyabbey & Kircubbin with Ballyphilip & Ardquin and just one of the many to comment so positively.

View some photos in the gallery here.