• 07 October 2010

Pray for the diocese:10th October


Rector: Simon Doogan, Curate: Stephen Smyth

  • Our new Youth and Children's Ministry Support Team including Sam Johnston our full-time Youth Worker and Tori Craig our part-time Children’s Worker commissioned this September Karen Baker our Pastoral Assistant to the Elderly and her busy Seniors programme of lunches, coffee mornings, cinema clubs, tea dances, Wednesday Clubs and home visits.

  • Our Home Straight 2010-2013 debt free campaign, a plan to clear outstanding loans on our Parish Centre, Rectory and Curatage overseen by Roy Lawther our new Honorary Treasurer.

  • 'Explore’, our annual programme of teaching with home groups and core sessions, including (this November) ‘Discover’, four sessions on mission led by Niall Manogue of CMSI.

  • Our Mission Support Team as they work to build and develop our well-established parish partnerships with the Diocese of Kajiado in Kenya and Kiwoko Hospital in Uganda.