• 14 October 2010

Revd Christopher Woods takes up new liturgical post

The new Secretary of the Church of England Liturgical Commission and Worship Development Officer is to be the Reverend Christopher Woods, formerly a curate of St Mark's Dundela in the Diocese of Down and Dromore.

Christopher is currently Chaplain and Director of Studies in Theology at Christ's College, Cambridge and Convenor of the Cambridge Deans and Chaplains Group. He is also studying part-time for a Ph.D in the liturgical theology of Henri, Cardinal de Lubac.

Until he moved to Cambridge in 2007 Christopher was a member of the Liturgical Advisory Committee of the Church of Ireland General Synod, serving latterly as its Chaplain and Assistant Secretary.

Christopher is very much looking forward to beginning work with the Church of England's Liturgical Commission and to furthering the valued work of Reverend Peter Moger. He has immensely enjoyed working as Chaplain in Christ's College Cambridge since 2007 and looks forward to a continued relationship with the College and the University of Cambridge in the future.