• 12 November 2010

Archbishop Harper calls for prayers for Iraq to be redoubled

Amidst attacks on Christians in Iraq, the Archbishop of Armagh, The Most Revd Alan Harper, OBE, calls for prayers for the country to be redoubled.

'It is deeply troubling that the suffering of ordinary civilians in Iraq continues unabated and that the most recent turn of events has seen the ancient Christian communities in Iraq specifically and brutally targeted. It is disturbing to hear reports of attacks on Christian worshippers and a Muslim guard on 31st October in an attack on the Syrian Catholic Cathedral in Baghdad, and on Wednesday (10 November) of mortar shells and home-made bombs aimed at Christian homes in predominantly Christian areas including Camp Sara, Sinaa Street and al-Ghadeer. Chillingly, these events underline the threat of the group calling itself the Islamic State of Iraq to regard all Christians in Iraq as legitimate targets.

‘Week after week in churches the length and breadth of Ireland prayers have been offered for peace with justice in Iraq. In Ireland we have long experience of the tragic consequences of sectarian and community polarization in the life of the community. We have also experience of the constructive nature of dialogue.

‘It is time for our prayers to be redoubled and to include specifically the Christian community which has been present in Iraq for 2000 years. These are indigenous not ex-patriot church communities. The people who are dying or being injured are ethnic Iraqis, arguably the most vulnerable segment of Iraqi society. If Christians are forced out of Iraq the community there will be much the poorer and the future for stability even further undermined. This would be a tragedy for Iraq and for Christians throughout the Middle East.'

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