• 25 November 2010

Blasphemy woman's family in hiding ahead of possible pardon

The family of Asia Bibi has gone into hiding ahead of reports of her imminent pardon for the death sentence for blasphemy in Pakistan.

Partners of Release International say there has been an angry reaction from Muslim militants following media coverage of a possible presidential stay of execution. Fearing a violent backlash Asia's family has moved to a place of safety.

Partners of Release International, which serves persecuted Christians worldwide, say the President of Pakistan has considered an appeal for mercy by Asia Bibi.

45-year-old Asia was the first woman in Pakistan to be sentenced to death under the nation’s notorious blasphemy laws. There was an international outcry on her behalf.

Under the constitution, the President has the power to hear the appeals of prisoners who have been sentenced to death. Asia made her appeal to President Asif Ali Zadari on November 20.

While the President may decide to grant a stay of execution, it is still not clear whether the blasphemy charges will be dropped. Unless the charges are waived, Asia could remain behind bars for years.

Whatever the outcome, Asia’s life is still at risk. Following media reports of her pardon, her accusers have given warning that they will take the law into their own hands. Muslims in her village in Ittanwali District, Nankana, insist that Asia is guilty. They say if the courts will not carry out the death sentence, they will kill her themselves.

'This is always a real risk with blasphemy cases,’ says Release CEO Andy Dipper. ‘Although the courts have yet to carry out a death sentence, there are often militants who are willing to do it for them - even if the courts find them not guilty. And in Asia’s case, she should never have been charged in the first place.’

‘Please pray for Asia and her family,’ say Release partners. ‘Their lives are in danger. Pray that the Lord will change the hearts of her opponents and control their aggression. May God keep Asia safe in his own hands.’

Release has been campaigning for justice in Pakistan and the repeal of the country’s notorious blasphemy laws.

‘This is the very moment to step up this campaign and press for change,’ says Andy Dipper. ‘Thousands have already signed our petition. Now is the time to add your name – for the sake of Asia Bibi, and other Christians in Pakistan who are crying out for justice. To sign our petition, please go to


Through its international network of missions Release supports Christians imprisoned for their faith and their families in 30 nations. It supports church workers, pastors and their families, and provides training, Bibles, Christian literature and broadcasts. Release is a member of the UK organisations Global Connections and the Evangelical Alliance.