Cambodia 2010
In November Bishop Harold travelled to Cambodia for 10 days as a guest of the Tearfund partner 'Cambodia Hope Organisation' in Poi Pet.
Find his blog and look below for his last entry and a photo slideshow.
What has impressed me about Tearfund
Ok, I have been involved with Tearfund in different ways for pretty well the whole of my Christian life, and it is true that I am now a vice-president, and it is my job to say good things about the work of Tearfund. But let's imagine I were to take a step back into the land of objectivity. What would I say?
Well, I would say, first of all that this trip was superbly organized and led. No 't' was left uncrossed, and no 'i' was left undotted. Everything was thought about in terms of health and safety, right down to the diarrhoea pack (which thankfully wasn't needed!). We also had a great leader in Billie Anderson, who was both orgauized and flexible, kind and firm - just the kind of person we needed!
But to go deeper, I was truly impressed by the partner with whom Tearfund is working here in Poipet, which is (as you will know by now) the Cambodia Hope Organization. It is, of course, a Christian-based organization, though here for the good of all. It is not the church as such, but 'church' has grown systemically out of its work. But it re-taught me a lesson which I learnt years ago in Southern Sudan - that there are many situations where the Church can be the most effective aid agency. The Church is on the ground, knows the situation, and will be there long-term. I am so glad that the genius of Tearfund is to support aid and development through the local church, and to connect those churches to one another worldwide.
Another things which impressed me was the way in which every penny in accounted for by Tearfund. Very little is spent on admin. So we were able to see specific projects with, for example HIV/AIDs and micro-enterprises, which are specifically supported by Tearfund.
But there is another thing which rejoices my heart and it is this. Tearfund also enables us to think differently in our Western culture, through programmes like Discovery and Just People. Let's really value them and use them to enable our folk to have hearts which beat with the heart of God.
Now that's an objective report- can you imagine a subjetive one......In one sentence 'Tearfund is brill.'