• 16 November 2010

Canon Lady Sheil announces her retirement

Bishop Harold has paid tribute to Canon Lady Sheil who is stepping down from the post of Lay Honorary Secretary representing Armagh Province, after 11 years as Honorary Secretary and 22 years service to Standing Committee.

He said, 'All of us are grateful to Lady Sheil for the many years of service she has given to the Standing Committee. Brenda has served the Church of Ireland with faithfulness and diligence, and she will be greatly missed in that role. The Diocese of Down and Dromore has been well represented over the years among the Honorary Secretaries, and honored to have people of the calibre and commitment of Brenda Sheil.'

On behalf of the Honorary Secretaries, Mr Sam Harper, Lay Honorary Secretary for Dublin Province, offered a huge vote of thanks to Lady Brenda Sheil for the enormous level of work and commitment she had shown over the years and for her skill and expertise, freely given, not least in matters legal. While she would be greatly missed from Standing Committee, he said he knew that hers would remain an active retirement with her involvement in various other facets of the life of the Church of Ireland continuing, including her strong commitment to the work of the Pensions Board.

On behalf of the whole Standing Committee, the Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Revd Alan Harper, echoed the words of Mr Sam Harper, thanking Lady Sheil for her longstanding service and continuing contribution to Church life. He said, 'Brenda's heart lies in the ministry of the Church of Ireland. Beyond the expertise that she has brought, I want to thank her for her friendship, kindness and approachability. We all thank her warmly for her service to Standing Committee and as its Northern Lay Honorary Secretary - she has earned our respect, admiration and genuine affection.’

Lady Sheil responded by saying that she had counted it a privilege to serve the Church of Ireland on Standing Committee and thanked everyone for their friendship and support.