• 23 November 2010

KJV@4:00 in the Good Book Shop

Announcing the biggest event to ever take place in The Good Book Shop, Belfast.Next year marks the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible. To celebrate the occasion, we are planning to have the entire bible read aloud in The Good Book Shop every weekday afternoon (Monday to Friday only) at 4pm starting the 4th January and ending 23rd December 2011. The initiative is entitled KJV@ 4:00.

It's a massive undertaking, but I'm already getting a lot of support for it. We are looking for volunteer readers who would be interested in taking part in this unique event, and it will be open to everyone who wants to read including clergy, lay readers, youth workers, Sunday school groups and of course our own customers. I’ve attached a poster in the hope that you would print it off and advertise it in your parishes during 2011.

Our first reader on 4th January will be the Archbishop of Armagh, the Rt Rev Alan Harper, who will also officially launch the event on that date as well.

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If you are interested in becoming a reader,

click here to e-mail me

Please keep us, and this initiative in your prayers

Richard Ryan
