• 10 November 2010

N.I. Prison Chaplains to Join in Week of Prayer for All Affected by Prison

The week of 21-27 November is to be designated as 'Prisons Week 2010' - a week of prayer for all those affected by prison life across the UK.

For the first time, Prison Chaplains in Northern Ireland, from across Christian denominations and Christian organisations, are to participate in the week, which takes as its theme ‘Be with me’. The initiative is aimed at praying for and raising awareness of the needs of prisoners and their families, victims and offenders, prison staff and all those who care about this work.

Each day of the special week will focus on a specific aspect of the prison system: prayers ‘to be with’ victims; prisoners; families; prison staff; local communities; and with those in our criminal justice system. A Prisons Week leaflet and other useful materials are available for anyone who wishes to join in with the week of prayer, downloadable from


Speaking as the Co-ordinating Chaplain working in HMP Maghaberry, Northern Ireland’s largest prison, the Revd Rodney Cameron says, ‘It can be easy to give up on people, including people in prison, but God never gives up on anyone – our faith tells us that change does and can happen in the lives of us all. As Prison Chaplains working across our prison system in Northern Ireland, I would encourage everyone to take this week-long opportunity to pray and to think about what they as an individual or as churches can do to assist prisoners and their families, victims of offenders and prison staff.’

For further information, visit


or contact:

Revd Rodney Cameron

(Maghaberry) Tel. 028 9261 4825

Father Frank O’Hagan

(Magilligan) Tel. 028 777 23413

Father Stephen McBrearty

(Hydebank Wood YOC and Women's Prison) Tel. 028 9025 8780