• 02 November 2010

Reaching the Toba people of Northern Argentina with God's word

Michael and Silvia Browne, CMS mission partners in Salta, in our link diocese of Northern Argentina, have recently posted news about the presentation of the Toba New testament to the people. 

Michael writes...

In the village of La Rinconada, one of the Toba communities to the north of Juárez, the presentation ceremony was made.

Just one thing was missing: the boxes of New Testaments to give out to the people! We just had the one large pulpit version for the official handover from the Argentine Bible Society to the Toba church. The rest will come sometime in November.

This will bring the Toba churches into a new era. Our prayer is that the Word of God in the heart-language of the Toba people will be a powerful tool to bring renewal and revival as many come to know Jesus personally and accept his free gift of salvation.

Although the Tobas would love to have the complete Bible in their language, for the present this is not seen by the Diocese as the biggest priority. Before considering an Old Testament translation project, we need to look very seriously at literacy, helping the Tobas to get used to reading their New Testaments.

The next stage for us is still in the balance. Bishop Nick Drayson is keen that we continue with literacy work, but we still have nothing approved through CMS for continuing as Mission Partners into 2011. Please pray!