• 23 November 2010

Sonya Brown reflects on her time in Northern Argentina

Sonya Brown, a student from Belfast Bible College and a member of Carryduff Parish, is now home after serving a short term study placement with SAMS in our link diocese of Northern Argentina.

During my first week in Salta I felt really alone and as I speak no Spanish, it didn't help matters! Thankfully, once I started getting involved in the community projects and meeting people, my whole experience of Salta changed! Every day brought new experiences and I was constantly being challenged and pushed beyond what I thought I was capable of. I am so grateful to have got to meet local people through working in a soup kitchen and at the local hospital. I learnt lots from spending time at the soup kitchen, meeting the drug addicts and hearing about their lives. From my first time there I could feel God’s Spirit at work and I continue to pray for the transformation of

the lives of the people there.  

The majority of the people I met were open to receiving prayer. From these projects, God has opened my eyes and I am now challenged to consider why I don’t visit my own

local hospital or cook lunch for drug addicts here at home where I actually speak the language!!

I also had the opportunity to observe Cecilia’s (Red Box Coordinator with SAMS) work during my time in Northern Argentina, which although I didn’t understand a word of what was going on, I learnt a lot by just being in the various meetings. It was great getting a chance to meet some of the people Cecilia ministers to.

I can’t believe my time in Salta has concluded! God has really blessed my time here and I have a lot to think about and to reflect on now that I’m back in Belfast.

Sonya Brown

(Reproduced with the kind permission of SAMS Ireland)