• 23 November 2010

Tragedy in Phnom Penh

Bishop Harold writes:

I have just been rung at 5.15am Cambodian time, by my daughter, to say that they are worried about the team because of the news of a tragedy at the Water Festival in Phnom Penh. It seems that 400 people or more have been killed by the collapse of a bridge. Please pray for the many who are injured. We are more than 300 kilometeres from Phnom Penh, and are perfectly safe. You may have read of our enjoyment of the Water Festival festivities in Poipet. It is a major holiday with boat races, and flowers and candles placed on rivers, and absolutely beautiful. Probably millions attend on different sites.

Please use this as a call to prayer for the people of this land, who have suffered so much over the years, as we will do as a team in a few hours when dawn comes.

The night is nearly over. The dawn is almost here. Romans 13.12

Link to the BBC news story here.