• 03 December 2010

Book now for New Wine Sligo Conference

New Wine ireland is delighted to have launched their new and improved online booking system making it even easier for you to book for any New Wine Ireland event. You can book and pay online or you can book online and pay by cheque. You can see it at www.newwineireland.org.

Just a reminder that we are only a couple of weeks away from our price deadline (17th December) for the Sligo Summer Conference, so if you want to book at the cheapest rate then you need to do it soon.

You can also let those in your church know about it by using the powerpoint or video presentation giving a flavour of the conference. Both of these are available on the website.

Also there are a couple of great events coming up in January which you may want to know about and book for.

The first ever

New Wine Youth Weekend

is happening 7th to 9th January 2011 in the Cleenish Renewal Centre. Keith Neill and the team from the summer conference are leading this and it is a great way to reconnect with friends from the summer or to get a taste of what goes on in Sligo. All the details and booking info is on the website.

The first ever

Kingdom Men event

is happening 22nd January 2011 in Willowfield Church, Belfast. We have ran Kingdom Women for several years and we are hoping that this event for men will really help men engage with God in a way that moves us to action. Julian Richards from Cornerstone Church in Swansea will be the speaker, and again all details are on the website.