• 22 December 2010

CMSI METAs, summer 2011

Mission. Experience. Teams. Abroad. METAs. CMS Ireland METAs do exactly what the name suggests!

METAs provide opportunities for Christians in Ireland to visit one of our partner locations in another part of the world, to experience life and work there and to sample something of a different culture. They can also be a great encouragement to our partners.

Our hope is that they will inspire, challenge and enthuse the participants to engage more deeply in global mission.

These META's are open to all people from across Ireland aged 17+. Dates for all of the teams will be finalised once the teams are selected.

In Summer 2011, there are opportunities for METAs in:


This will be a team made up of 10 -12 individuals (all ages) for a period of 21/2 weeks in July. The team will mainly be based in Shyogwe Diocese and details of activities the team will be involved in will be worked out after the New Year.


The Ekisa META will be visiting our partners in Luwero Diocese, in partiuclar Kiwoko Hospital. The team will comprise of 15 people (all ages) working alongside Ugandan team to deliver a children’s programme within the hospital. It will take place at the end of August until 1st week in September.


This team of 10 - 12 people (all ages) will take place in August for a period of 2½ weeks. The team will be working between Matana & Gitega Diocese, involved in practical service but with a heavy emphasis on building relationships with local church.

How much will it cost?

The team will cost around £1500/£1600. This includes flights, insurance and other in country costs. There will be extra costs for you to cover on top of this e.g. vaccinations, team training weekend.

How will we prepare?

There will be regular team meetings prior to going to each location, for orientation purposes, including a team weekend.

How do I apply?

Application forms must be completed and returned to Gillian Maganda (Personnel Coordinator) at the Belfast office by

Friday 14th January 2011

. Forms can be downloaded from the CMS Ireland website (click here) or request a form from either of the offices.

Interviews are scheduled to take place on Saturday 29th January 2011 in CMS Ireland’s Belfast office. These interviews are informal and are as much about helping you with your decision as they are about us 'selecting’ a team.

For more information, contact our Personnel Coordinator.

Belfast office

CMS Ireland

33 Dargan Road

Belfast BT3 9JU

tel. +44 (0) 28 90 77 50 20

fax. +44 (0) 28 90 77 97 72

