• 01 December 2010

A Day of Prayer for Ireland

A Day of Prayer for Ireland organised by Evangelical Alliance, Ireland

What is the Vision?

We are Christians from different churches in Ireland, who have felt drawn to join together to issue a call for prayer for our nation at this time. Ireland is undergoing a period of economic, political and social upheaval, which is shaking the very fabric of our society. In the midst of this upheaval, we are issuing this call to prayer. We need God's help in a very definite way at this time, and we are meeting to ask God for His intervention.

Join with us on Friday the 3rd December 2010, to pray for Ireland. We are asking people to pray individually, at home, in groups, at special church services, at work, at school, colleges, wherever.

If you're in Dublin, you might want to join Arise Dublin, a gathering of prayer for the city, on Dec 3rd, 8:00 pm at The Exchange, 50 Gardiner St. Lower, Dublin 1.

The times of prayer can be short or long, using your favourite form of prayer, or at a church service, bible study etc. If it is not possible for you to join the day of prayer on Friday, then prayer could take place over the weekend of the 3rd.


If you would like suggestions for prayer....

  • Begin by acknowledging our need for God's help. Recognise where Ireland as a nation has failed to seek God's help and direction

  • Ask God to give wisdom and courage to those in leadership to guide Ireland through this period of storm

  • Pray for the Body of Christ to rise to the challenge of being a beacon of hope and light to the people of Ireland and to take concrete steps to help alleviate the sufferings of those of the poor, both spiritual and material

  • Pray for God to reveal himself to many who don't not yet know him, and that he is the embodiment of good news

  • Pray for those who have lost jobs, those who are struggling to pay bills, or are fearful of losing their homes

  • Pray for a just and fair solution to the financial situation that Ireland faces at the present time

  • Pray for the peace and prosperity of our nation, and for good governance and integrity in politics, financial services and business

  • Ask God to renew and sustain the spiritual hearts of His people, not to lose hope but to trust in Him at this time

  • Ask God to renew his Church, renew its leadership and its people