• 22 December 2010

New Children's workers in the diocese

We are delighted that two new children's workers are beginning work in the diocese in Willowfield Parish and the Parish of Mount Merrion.

Introducing Laurence Bellew, the new Children's Work Co-ordinator with Willowfield Parish Community Association.

I am Laurence Bellew, I'm 25 years old and I have been a Christian for about 7 and a half years. I went to Grosvenor Grammar School then studied Geography at Queen's University and most recently have been working as a Special Needs Classroom Assistant and as a Youth Worker.

I got saved in Beersbridge Road Elim Church and that is where I served for the past 7 years leading worship and doing children's work amongst other things.

I was attracted  to the role of Children's work coordinator at Willowfield because it means I get to 1) serve God full-time 2) do something I absolutely love and 3) do it in the area I have lived in for over ten years! I couldn't think of three better reasons, so I went for it in faith and here I am. God is so good!

Being from the area, I have always been aware of the amazing work Willowfield and the WPCA do in the local area. I'm really excited at the prospect of being part of this work and to be able to add to it with the gifts and talents God is given me.

Please pray for the work I have left behind in my home church that God would raise up people to succeed me in the children's work and in the worship team.

Introducing the new Children's Worker at Mount Merrion Parish Church.

My name is Angela Megarry I am married to Michael and we have two teenagers. I have been a classroom assistant in Moneyreagh Primary School for the past ten years.

Taking up this post is the culmination of a long Journey of God talking to me through  many different ways. For a long time I have had a heart for children and the struggles they face but also for churches that are struggling. I feel I have been so blessed by what God has given me through Willowfield and I also feel blessed by the home life that I have had, I know God is saying this is a time to give back to him for all that he has given to me. The job at Mount Merrion came up and I was compelled by God to apply for it. The job was everything that God had put on my heart I just needed to want it and be willing - thankfully I got there in the end.

I am most looking forward to getting to know the kids in the area and getting to know all the people who are at Mount Merrion Church. Please pray for relationships to develop with the children in the church and estate. Johnny has done such a good job I only hope I can follow on from him and build on the awesome work that he has been doing. Also pray that I will listen to God's voice.