• 04 January 2011

Archbishop Harper launches Bible reading marathon in Belfast

The Archbishop of Armagh, The Most Revd Alan Harper, has launched "KJV@ 4.00" at The Good Book Shop in Belfast by reading aloud the first six chapters of Genesis.

Supporters and the media gathered at Church of Ireland  House on January 4th to witness the beginning of a novel venture for the shop. They will celebrate the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible in 2011 by reading the entire text aloud over the year. 

The readings will take place at 4.00 pm on each weekday of business over the course of 2011, with a wide range of readers joining in. Each session will last approximately 30-40 minutes whilst business continues as usual, placing the Bible where it belongs, at the centre of everyday life.

Manager of the Good Book Shop, Richard Ryan, said that as well as selling the Word of God in the shop, he thought it should also be read there. He added: 'It’s a massive undertaking, but we have already received a lot of support for it. I’m hoping as many people as possible will take part in this unique event - the biggest that as ever taken place in the bookshop. It’s open to everyone - clergy, lay readers, youth workers, Sunday School groups, and, of course, our own customers. The more readers we can get the better.’

There are still some slots for reading available and if anyone is interested in taking part, please e-mail Richard Ryan at sales@goodbookshop.com or phone 028 9024 4825.

The KJV@4:00 venture can also be followed on

Facebook here.