• 06 January 2011

Archbishops' prayers for the upcoming Primates' Meeting in Dublin

With the Primates' Meeting only a few weeks away, Archbishops Thabo Makgoba and Phillip Aspinall have written prayers asking that God bless and empower the Primates in their "heavy responsibilities of servant leadership".

Prayer for the Primates' Meeting, from the Most Revd Dr Thabo Makgoba, Archbishop of Cape Town

Lord Jesus Christ, you washed your disciples' feet,

and called them to follow your example.

Bless the leaders of our churches as they gather at the Primates' Meeting.

As they take counsel together, give them grace to grow in prayer and fellowship,

so they may bear one anothers' burdens and share one anothers' joys,

and find mutual support in their heavy responsibilities of servant leadership.

Refresh and encourage them as they meet,

and empower them to lead your people

in lives of faithful worship, witness and service,

that bring your redemptive gospel to this broken and needy world.


Prayer for the Primates' Meeting from the Most Revd Phillip Aspinall, Archbishop of Australia

Gracious God,

in your Son Jesus Christ

you reveal the fullness of your truth and life

and reconcile us to you and to each other.

Grant that that this meeting

of the Primates of the Anglican Communion may

follow more closely your way,

know more deeply your truth, and

live more clearly your life.

Give the Primates grace

to speak the truth in love,

to listen to the voice of your Spirit

and to live and proclaim your good news of reconciliation and peace for all the world.

We ask this through the same Jesus Christ our Lord

who is the way, the truth and the life

and who lives and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God for ever and ever. Amen.