• 25 January 2011

Calling all greater Belfast volunteers

A new BCM (Belfast Central Mission) initiative aimed at alleviating the loneliness felt by older people in the Greater Belfast area was recently launched by Councillor Pat Convery, Lord Mayor of Belfast.

39% of older people in Northern Ireland live alone - with many not having close family alive, or living near them. Others are too infirm to venture out to socialise in the community, and having a befriender call with them is often their only point of contact with the outside world.

The befriending scheme entitled 'Loneliness – one hour of my time made the difference', is a cross-community initiative.  BCM are now seeking more volunteers of any age who are prepared to give one hour of their time regularly to visit an older, isolated person.

Brian Burns, Director of BCM, explains:  "We act a bit like matchmakers in this initiative, as we work to partner a volunteer who can commit one hour of their time  to provide companionship to an older person in need.

“Through this campaign, we hope to highlight that just one hour of someone’s time can make a real difference to a vulnerable person.  With the daily grind of life, spending time with family, working and keeping up with hobbies, it can be easy to think you have no free time.  I would encourage everyone to look at their schedules to see if they could fit in one hour to brighten up the day of an older person.  It could literally be a matter of life or death for someone and may often be the only company that person has all week."

 Launching the campaign, the Lord Mayor of Belfast, Councillor Pat Convery, said:

“We all, most likely, know of someone older in the community, perhaps lonely or isolated, who could benefit from a befriender.

“One hour of your time can really make a difference to somebody and that is all BCM are asking of potential new volunteer befrienders.  Befriending can be anything from sitting over a cup of tea, to going for a walk or helping with the weekly shop, that’s not a huge commitment to make when you know how much it is appreciated.

“This is a great idea of BCM’s to build on its already successful befriending programme and I wish them the very best in their objectives:  their waiting list of older people will appreciate the interest and volunteers this campaign brings.”

The impact of befriending can be measured through the firm friendship established between Mrs Young (98) and Kathleen Whitten.  

Befriendee Mrs Young said: “As I am in a residential home, I see other people with streams of family visiting them and unfortunately, as my niece and her family live so far away, I do not get any visitors.  BCM paired me with Kathleen, who visits me once a week and really gives me something to look forward to.  As I am 98 years young, we unfortunately can’t get out and about to meet, but if I was ten years younger I would be out meeting her in a café for a cup of tea!”

Befriender Kathleen Whitten said:  “I wanted to volunteer some of my time for something worthy and I honestly say that I too look forward to that one hour a week!  Mrs Young is a character and tells some great stories and I really enjoy our time together.”

Janet Sewell, Community Services Manager for BCM, said:  “Kathleen and Mrs Young, who feature on our billboard campaign promoting the scheme, are just two of the people already involved in the project, but we would love to extend this to other areas.”

With the recent cold snap and the resulting water crisis, many older people were worst affected and couldn’t risk putting out the bin in the sub-zero conditions or venturing to the shop for supplies, such as water, bread, milk or logs for the fire,   leading to greater isolation and a continuing demand for the scheme.

If you are interested in becoming a befriender or if you, or someone you know, would be in need of a befriender, please contact BCM on 028 9024 1917 facebook BCM NI or visit www.belfastcentralmission.org.  Training, guidance and support is provided.

Volunteers should be able to listen and talk, and depending on a befriendee’s interests and abilities, be able to accompany them walking or on shopping/leisure activities – as well as being able to give the time commitment, which is crucial.

For further information, please contact Suzie Fisher of dcp on

T: 90 402296    M:  07802 297240    E:  suzie@dcppr.co.uk

Photo caption: Stars of BCM's poster campaign, Mrs Young (98) and her befriender, Mrs Kathleen Whitten from Drumbeg, receive a bouquet each from Janet Sewell, Community Services Manager for BCM