• 25 January 2011

Enterprise Minister visits the Good Book Shop

Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Arlene Foster MLA, called into the Good Book Shop recently to read aloud from the Bible as part of KJV@4:00.

Bookshop manager, Richard Ryan, has also announced that the new leader of the Green Party, Mr Steven Agnew, will be reading in May.

Of course, business continues as usual, even around the extensive work going on in the foyer of Church House. The shop is getting ready for Lent and Easter with several books featured such as The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book, Barefoot Disciple, by Stephen Cherry. Click here.

There are still some slots for reading available for KJV@4:00 and if anyone is interested in taking part, please e-mail Richard Ryan at sales@goodbookshop.com or phone 028 9024 4825.

The KJV@4:00 venture can also be followed on

Facebook here.