• 26 January 2011

Former Moderator points to the cross

Rev Dr. John Finlay challenged Christians to find unity in "the Cross of Christ" as they seek live together in the community. He was speaking at Cairnshill Methodist Church as part of 'Christian Unity' week.

Christians from the area of Newtownbreda and Carryduff came together to explore the biblical theme of "One in the Apostles' teaching, fellowship and the breaking of bread", inspired from the Book of the Acts of the Apostles.   

Reflecting on his visit to Jerusalem in 2008 with the four main Church Leaders, Dr. Finlay said, "we are all too aware that there exist social, political and class divisions in different parts of the world, but as Christians we must look to the cross where redemption and reconciliation are to be found."

Clergy and laity participated in the service of praise, prayer and proclamation from Knockbreda  Parish Church, St. Ignatius Parish Church, Saintfield Road Presbyterian, Drumbo and Carryduff Parish, and Cairnshill Methodist.

Photo Caption:

(From left to right): Rev. Willie Nixon (St. Ignatius Parish Church, Carryduff), Ven. Philip Patterson (Knockbreda Parish Church), Dr. John Finlay (Former Presbyterian Moderator), Fr. Martin Kelly (Drumbo and Carryduff Parish), Rev. Colin Duncan (Cairnshill Methodist), Rev. Alistair Bill (Saintfield Road Presbyterian), Rev. Stanley Gamble (Knockbreda Parish Church).