• 21 January 2011

Lady Eames inspires Knockbreda MU

Lady Christine Eames returned to her roots on Thursday 20th January, when she addressed the Mother's Union at Knockbreda Parish Church.

The former World President of the Mother's Union, spoke to a packed hall of ladies on the important subject of 'Faith and relationships'.

Moving through various parts of the Gospels, Lady Eames highlighted the connections between the Christian faith and everyday relationships.

She shared numerous stories from her experiences of representing the Mother's Union abroad, and encouraged the ladies to play their part in the worldwide family of faith.

The Mothers' Union is an international Christian charity that seeks to support families worldwide. In 81 countries, it's members share one heartfelt vision - to bring about a world where God's love is shown through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships. 

Pictured above: Lady Christine Eames with (from left to right) Mrs Eleanor Patterson, Mrs Heather Elliott, and Mrs Emily Hickey.