• 20 January 2011

Land for Life enters a new phase

Please pray for Andrew and Maria Leake working in our link diocese of Northern Argentina.  Andrew works with partner organisation Asociana where he defends and promotes the land rights of indigenous people. Read on for their latest update:

Land for Life is now one year old.  Although work has not panned out exactly as we had imagined at the start of the year, we are amazed at what has been achieved in such a short time (and in a context where we have had a lot other work going on simultaneously).  We have ended our first year having:

•    defined a strategy for the work and identified a region within which to start ground-based operations

•    registered the charitable organization that will implement Land for Life in Argentina (see below)

•    established links with key people and organizations who can provide conservation and theological advice

•    received pledges that now put us in a position to consider purchasing an initial plot of land

And the name is ... REFUGIO

After searching for a suitable name for the organization that will implement Land for Life initiative in Argentina, we have settled for REFUGIO, Spanish for 'refuge'.

Along with the Biblical connotations, such as "The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble" (Ps.9:9), the term, REFUGIO reflects for us the key concept of Land for Life, namely the protection of areas of forest that will provide a safe haven for some of the Chaco’s flora and fauna. It also evokes the idea that such areas will provide a base (stronghold) from where we can influence land use practices within surrounding regions. Finally, it reflects the idea that these lands will, through their management, be used to provide poor (oppressed) people with access to some of the natural resources they require to survive.

We have now registered the organization with authorities in Salta, under the formal name of Fundación Refugio. We are awaiting their final approval, and in the mean time will complete other paperwork, such as registering with tax authorities and open bank accounts, which will in turn mean Land for Life has a green light to go into formal operation.


Towards the end of last year we received funding pledges that will allow Fundación REFUGIO to purchase an initial area of land  (approx 2.000 acres) on which to begin our ground work.  We were not expecting to have reached this point just yet, so have had to rethink our agenda a little. What we propose to do is to search for appropriate plots within the price range of the pledged funds, and while we do that also use the promised funds to leverage further donations that will ensure we can protect more land and construct the necessary fences to protect them from free-grazing cattle and lumber extraction. Every £100 will help to secure a further 2 acres of land. If you are interested in contributing to this fund please get in touch with Felicity Hall:  hall.felicity@gmail.com

Where we will be working


We propose to make our first land purchase in an area that has been earmarked as a region vital to conserving a link in the transition zone between the dry tropical forest of the Chaco and the more humid jungles (yungas) on the Andean foothills. This area, traversed by the Teuquito river, has a diversity of vegetation cover, and includes palm savannahs, which while common along the eastern reaches of the Chaco, are rare in this particular region. Our initiative would contribute to other work being done in the region by another conservation group (CEBIO).


Land for Life will be successful to the extent that it is able to articulate its actions with those of other organizations, be they private and governmental, Christian and secular. We cannot say much at the moment, other than that some discussions are underway with organizations and individuals and that we are encouraged by the positive reception given to the vision we have for Land for Life.

Aims for 2011

We have our work cut out for us during the coming months. We will be working on two fronts. Firstly we will undertake tasks related to the identification and purchase of lands for conservation. This will entail completing the formal proposal we have mentioned previously and this will represent the bulk of our efforts. It will also include mapping work and travel in the field. Secondly, we will be engaging in research and monitoring the status of the Chaco environment. We believe this will enable us to draw attention to the plight of the Chaco, and as an incipient organization, it  will contribute to establishing our credibility, and raise our public profile. Specifically we want to study the regional impact of massive deforestation on the composition of bird species (as indicators of biodiversity).

Prayer pointers

•    Give thanks for what has been achieved in 2010 and the pledges that have been made.

•    Pray for further funds to be made available so we can complete an initial purchase, including the construction of fences.

•    Pray for guidance in identifying and selecting an appropriate plot to buy

•    Pray for wisdom as we set work priorities for the coming year.