• 15 January 2011

A message of sympathy and support from Bishop Harold

"The hearts of everyone in the community go out to the family of Michaela McAreavey today, and especially to her husband John.

"What has happened is unimaginably tragic. No one can enter fully into the loss of a family who were part of a joyful and hopeful wedding just a matter of days ago, and who now come together in the same church to say their last farewell to Michaela.

"I also want to express my Christian love and support for my fellow-bishop, John McAreavey, John's uncle, who conducted the marriage and who now has the task of giving the homily at the Funeral Mass.

"May the Christ who carries all our losses and understands all our suffering be closer to all of them than ever before."

Rt Revd Harold Miller

Bishop of Down and Dromore