• 12 January 2011

Petition calls for protection of Pakistan Christians

Release International is to present a 50,000 signature petition calling on Pakistan to protect its Christian minority. This follows the assassination of a leading politician who called for the repeal of the country's notorious blasphemy laws.

'Salman Taseer was gunned down for saying the blasphemy laws should be repealed, and for standing with Asia Bibi, the first Christian woman to be sentenced to death for blasphemy,’ says Andy Dipper, the CEO of Release International, which supports persecuted Christians worldwide.

‘That Mr Taseer was brutally killed by his own bodyguard, and his murder has been celebrated in the streets highlights the growing danger from religious extremists in Pakistan.

‘That danger is felt most acutely by Pakistan’s religious minority. Through no desire of her own, Asia Bibi finds herself an emblem of that minority. She was accused of blasphemy after her co-workers refused to drink the water she had brought them. They said it was unclean - simply because she was a Christian. There was an argument, and they accused her of blasphemy. Now she has been sentenced to death.

‘Scarcely a handful of politicians have had the courage to speak out about this injustice. One has now been murdered and his killer has been feted as a hero.

‘When Pakistan was founded in 1947, its Constitution promised "freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice". It enshrined “freedom for minorities to profess and practise their religion”. Where is that freedom today?

‘Today the extremists are clamouring for control and Pakistan’s Christians are increasingly fearful for their future. They find themselves in a land where they are treated as second-class citizens with few representatives to speak up for them. And those who do, like Salman Taseer, find themselves victims of intolerance and brutality.

‘Today Asia Bibi is under guard in isolation. Extremists have threatened to send a suicide bomber to blow her up in jail. A cleric has put a bounty on her head of 500,000 rupees. Her husband and children are in hiding. Asia must be released and she and her family must be protected.

‘Pray for her, and for the Christians of Pakistan. And pray that the voice of reason will be heard and respected in Pakistan.’

Release is presenting its petition to the Pakistan High Commission in London on Thursday January 13 at around midday. The address is 34-36 Lowndes Square, SW1X 9JN. A vigil will be held outside the High Commission.

The petition will be handed in by Andy Dipper and Release Patron Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali.

Bishop Michael was born in and ministered in Pakistan and faced persecution in that country. He says: 'The blasphemy law needs repealing, but it is a symptom of a much wider drive to enforce Islamist orthodoxy. It's not just Christians, but Muslims themselves who suffer as a result of Islamic law - especially the women.'

The Release petition declares: ‘In response to all these concerns, we strongly urge the Government to create within Pakistan a genuine culture of respect for all its citizens by safeguarding their human and legal rights, and by actively protecting its minority Christian population and their religious freedom.’

Through its international network of missions


serves persecuted Christians in 30 countries around the world, by supporting pastors and Christian prisoners, and their families; supplying Christian literature and Bibles, and working for justice. Release is a member of the UK organisations Global Connections and the Evangelical Alliance.