• 20 January 2011

Pray for the diocese: 23rd January


Rector: Jonathan Barry, Curate: Mervyn Jamison

  • For a deepening faith among all the parishioners, especially the new families that have joined in the last year

  • For the economic climate in the parish, as many people fear for their work and are anxious about the long-term financial stability of our nation

  • For young people who are now so anxious about their long-term employment prospects

  • For the uniformed youth organisations, that are healthier in terms of numbers than they have been for over a decade (the Scout Troop is now the biggest in the Ards District)

  • For Mervyn Jamison our Curate and Gary Boyd our Youth Worker, that Genesis, our youth fellowship for teenagers, may continue to thrive

  • For the ten teenagers from Genesis under Gary's leadership going to Spain in August with Exodus Christian Youth Discipleship to engage in mission