• 18 January 2011

Singing and seeing double times six!

An article in this week's Church of Ireland Gazette highlighted the presence of three sets of twins in the choir of Bangor Abbey (right). It stirred my own memories of being a teenager in the choir of St Finnian's when we also had three sets of twins.

Back in the late 70s my identical twin Angela sang soprano whilst I sang alto, alongside Sadie Fleming whose twin sister Lucy also sang soprano. To complete the set, twins Jack and Eric Hay sang tenor and bass respectively. My Dad also sang bass and still does (very well at the age of 80) and has been joined in the altos in later years by my Mum. Sadly, choirmembers Jack, Lucy and Sadie have passed away.

Lyzan Martin and Mandy Mann, who have been in Bangor Abbey's choir for 27 years, both sing alto; Heather Graham and Helen McCrackin are on opposite sides, the former singing alto and the latter soprano; and they have been joined by eight-year-old Harriett and Julia Goddard, whose older sister, Felicity, sits beside them in the sopranos.

To add to the family aspect of the choir - and, no doubt, to the occasional confusion - the choir also contains brother and sister, Dominic and Erin Greenfield, who, along with a number of other teenagers, manage to fit in rehearsals and Sunday services with their school studies.

Is there something in the Co Down water?

Annette McGrath

Caption: (Back, from left) Mandy Mann, Lyzan Martin, Heather Graham and Helen McCrackin; (front, from left) Harriett and Julia Goddard. (Photo by Gifford Savage).