Bishop Harold reports from AMICUM
Bishop Harold is in South Africa at the moment, co-chairing AMICUM (The Anglican-Methodist International Commission on Unity in Mission). The Commission has twelve members, six from each of the world 'communions', and they represent five different continents: America, Asia, Africa, Europe and Oceania. The other co-chair is Professor Robert Gribben from Melbourne, Australia.
The commission tracks relationships between Methodists and Anglicans throughout the world, and the Anglican members are from Jamaica, England, South Africa, India, Brazil and Ireland. Bishop Harold says: ‘The development of relationships between Methodists and Anglicans has been one of the great passions of my life. I long to see us working together in our common mission, discovering the gifts which each of our traditions beings to the table, and finding ways forward to shared ministry.’
On Sunday, the Commission visited a township church: Langa, for a vibrant three-hour service, Bishop Harold comments: ‘What a privilege it was to be there, with people who have suffered so much, and who know the joy of the Lord in and through suffering. The one impression I was left with above all others is that these people really believe what they sing and say. The expectancy and energy of the worship was palpable. They could sing like Methodists!’
The Commission continues its work this week.