• 17 February 2011

'House of the Year' has diocesan connections!

We have uncovered a couple of diocesan connections with BBC Northern Ireland's House Of The Year 2011.

David and Frieda Scott's cliff top house in Newcastle, Co Down, picked up this year's overall title, beating off tough competition from five other homes across NI.

And the links? David Scott is the brother of Archdeacon of Dromore, John Scott and the builder is a diocesan lay reader and parishioner of Kilkeel, David Charleton (pictured below). 

Their work on the house has already gained David's company, FJ Charleton Building Contractors Ltd, an accolade. They have picked up the New Build Regional Award from the Federation of Master Builders and in early March will go forward to the national finals.

Building 'Scott's on the Rocks,' was a real challenge because of it's position close to the cliff edge,' said David, 'but we were thrilled to be part of the project and even more thrilled that it has won.' 

Throughout the series of programmes, three beautiful homes from across Northern Ireland were featured each week with one from each programme selected to go through to the series final.

The expert panel of judges viewed and evaluated the three houses in each programme and made their final decision on the winners, based on the following criteria: architectural integrity; interior design; use of space/circulation/layout/natural light/lighting; external merit; environmental credentials and overall ambience and appeal.

They were Des Ewing, award-winning architect; Michael Dunn, freelance property consultant with over 20 years experience as an estate agent and Suzanne Garuda, international interior designer, who has worked on everything from royal palaces to luxury yachts.