Over a thousand people hear Chilean miner's story in Shankill Parish
There was both laughter and tears among the congregation as Jose, the 24th miner to be rescued, told of the lowest points of their 69 day ordeal, as well as of their faith in God in the midst of such a difficult situation. He explained how the other miners had quickly appointed him 'Pastor' and how he organised daily prayer meetings at which he would preach from memory the sermons he had heard in church and Sunday School. The congregation also heard how at one stage 22 of the 33 miners responded to an invitation to accept Christ as Saviour and how their lives have changed since then.
There was a lighter moment as Jose joked that if the food situation had become more desperate, he was afraid that he would be the first to be eaten by the other miners as he was the largest of them all.
His wife Blanca joined him on the stage and expressed her own feelings and struggles during the time Jose was trapped. She told how she never lost hope and how God had been especially close to her during that time.
As a response to the message, Shankill Rector Rev. Geoff Wilson gave the congregation an opportunity to place a stone at the foot of a large wooden cross as a symbol of giving their own burdens over to Jesus. It was a moving scene to witness scores of people making their way up to the cross, many with tears in their eyes.
Shankill was the last visit for Jose over the 3 days he was in the Province. He also spoke to over 700 people at SAMS Friday Night Live, then on Saturday evening at Willowfield Parish and at
Dollingstown Church Men’s Breakfast
on Sunday morning.