• 24 March 2011

Neurological Conditions Network Survey

Are you a young person or an adult who is living with a neurological condition, caring for someone with a neurological condition or in a family where someone has a neurological condition?

If so the Neurological Conditions Network wants to hear about your experiences and the impact the condition has on you.

Log on to the survey at: www.speakoutforchange.net

This survey is confidential and will be available from Monday 28 March 2011. Assistance completing this online survey will be available at events in four public libraries.

For further information see www.publichealth.hscni.net/ncnsurvey

The results gathered from 28 March to 10 April 2011 will help form the priorities of the Neurological Conditions Network over the next year. This information will help those

planning and delivering services to understand the effects of neurological conditions on

people's lives and consider how to meet their needs.

Thank you!