Canon Ken Smyth retires after 28 years
Thursday 7th April was the end of a very special era for St Mark's, Newtownards, as the parish said a fond farewell to Canon Ken Smyth and his wife.
The Select Vestry orgnaised a concert which celebrated Ken's involvement with the wider community as well as the Church of Ireland and he and Jenny are pictured above with David Nairn. He was also presented with a rugby shirt signed by his beloved team, Munster.
The concert involved Regent House Grammar School, Londonderry Primary School Choir, the parish choir and the Re:mark band.
Canon Ken spent 28 years as rector of St Mark's and will be retiring with his wife Jenny to Bangor. He will continue to be the Church of Ireland Chaplain to the Ulster Hospital and will soon take over as President of Ards Rotary Club.
In an extensive interview with the Ards Chronicle, Ken highlighted the growth of secularism in our society and the changing face of Sundays:
"The challenge for us in the church is to find something that will be relevant for people and something people feel relates to them. We need to stem the tide of secularism." he said. "I would always want to make a robust defence of the faith and encourage people."
Paying tribute to those with whom he has shared 43 years of ordained ministry Ken said:
"Over the years I am very appreciative of the fact that so many people have worked together to make possible what we have achieved. Huge numbers gave of their time voluntarily.
"I am also deeply appreciative to Jenny and very appreciative of her support and I am very proud of our family."
We in the diocese of Down and Dromore wish Ken and Jenny a long and happy retirement.