News from Northern Argentina
Michael, from Suffolk, and his Argentine wife live just outside Salta in our link diocese of Northern Argentina with young sons Kevin and Christopher. The focus of Michael's work is in the Chaco to the north among the indigenous Toba people where since the mid-90s he has worked with a team of three native-speakers on the translation of the New Testament into the Toba language. The work was completed in 2009 and is being typset by the Argentine Bible Society prior to printing and presentation. The formerly warlike Tobas requested a missionary presence in the 1920s after seeing the effect of the gospel upon their neighbours, the Wichi.
Michael writes...
It's just over a month now since we returned to Argentina, and we're just about settled into our routines once again, with the boys back at school and Michael once again sat in front of the computer for long hours at a time. (But in contrast to previous years, he is also taking time to do some daily exercise!). There are still lots of things to get organised, including an update to our website (something that Michael has started on, doing a complete revamp, hence the delay...)
On arriving back in Salta, one of Michael's priorities was to meet up with Bishop Nick Drayson to talk through our vision for the ongoing work with the Tobas. Thankfully this was possible during our first few days here, and even more thankfully, Nick was in agreement with our proposed work plans! So with approval also given by Diocesan Bishop Greg Venables, we are now continuing ahead with our three areas of ministry...
So far Michael has not made any trips up to the Toba villages, but has now made arrangements to go to Juárez during the first weekend of April. On this first visit, Michael hopes to meet up with Hilario and José Manuel, in order to programme the translation work over the coming months, as well as looking for someone to help with the literacy work. As regards the music ministry, Nick suggested someone who could help with teaching how to play the instruments, and we will also look to translate a selection of Old Testament passages for a workshop on the Biblical teaching on music and worship. It has not been easy to make contact with Hilario, because he changed his mobile phone and didn't tell anyone the new number! But we have now caught up with him...
Meanwhile here in Salta, Silvia is helping to organise a new children's outreach in a very poor part of Salta where there is a lot of drug abuse amongst the youth. The drama group will form part of this outreach, and will hopefully attract the attention of the teenagers as well.
Kevin and Chris have settled well back into the school routines, with Kevin in 7th year (the last year of primary school) and Chris in 1st year. Out of school activities include football, music (Kevin is continuing with drums, and Chris wants to learn violin) and possibly folk dancing.
This is the first of what I hope will be monthly email newsletters. Please pray for us in all these activities, that the Lord will strengthen us at all times, give us wisdom and grace to do his will. Pray for these specific areas:
Continued progress with the translation of the Minor Prophets, time to organize with the Toba translators in Juárez, 2-3 April.
Someone to help with the production of literacy materials.
Coordination with local musicians for teaching how to play the keyboard.
Children's outreach in the Unión estate, Salta.
Daily protection against spiritual attack.
Protection against illness, particularly dengue fever; give thanks that Michael's diabetes continues to be controlled with diet and exercise.
Funding for all these areas of ministry, giving thanks for all we've received so far.
In all things give thanks to our Super Great God!!!
With love in Jesus,
Michael, Silvia, Kevin and Chris.