Bishop Harold welcomes appointment of Bishop of Clogher
I am very pleased indeed to welcome the appointment of John McDowell, rector of St Mark's Dundela, as Bishop of Clogher. John is a son of the Diocese of Down and Dromore, having grown up in the Parish of Mount Merrion. He has also had a most effective and greatly valued ministry as rector of St Mark’s Dundela since 2002. St Mark’s has produced several bishops in its time, not least Archbishop Robin Eames and Bishop Jimmy Moore.
John has also been very much involved in the life of the diocese, as Honorary Secretary of Diocesan Synod and a member of the Finance Committee. His contribution in the diocese and in the wider Church of Ireland (he is also an Honorary Secretary of the General Synod) has been immense.
But I greet John’s election not simply because he has been involved in roles in the Church, but also because of who he is. John is a person of absolute integrity, deep thought, fairness of judgement and practical wisdom. He is a thoughtful preacher and an amusing writer, and the people of Clogher will be greatly blessed by his ministry among them.
Our thoughts and prayers are also with his wife, Mary and his daughter, Dorothy, as they move home, following the call of Jesus Christ on their lives.
+Harold Down and Dromore