Boring Wells features on new DVD
The Fresh Expressions organisation has just launched its second DVD showing a variety of Fresh Expressions of Church. This new DVD features Boring Wells, a network of Mission-shaped initiatives in the Belfast area.
The Rev Adrian McCartney was invited to the launch, a day conference in Oxford called "Shaping the Landscape". The keynote speaker was Archbishop Rowan Williams. Archbishop Williams is famous now for coining the phrase, "mixed economy of church". is the organisation set up by the Church of England and the Methodist Church in England to explore the ideas of “changing church for a changing world”. Adrian McCartney and the Boring Wells team are pursuing these ideas in the Church of Ireland context. is the organisation set up by the Church of England and the Methodist Church in England to explore the ideas of “changing church for a changing world”. Adrian McCartney and the Boring Wells team are pursuing these ideas in the Church of Ireland context.