Ordination news 2011
The Central Director of Ordinands, The Very Revd Katherine Poulton, writes with news of ordinations in 2011.
"Watching a pair of swans landing on the lake at the Dromantine retreat and conference centre in late March was a wonderful experience. The beautiful setting helped all those involved with the Bishops' Selection Conference for Training for the Ordained Ministry feel that they really had taken time out of their routine to consider carefully and prayerfully those who were offering themselves for ordained ministry. All the men and women who came forward have been working on the Foundation Course.
"In a few months those who have completed two years of the MTh course will be ordained Deacon and serve in parishes as Interns for one year and the people who are finishing the N.S.M. course will also be ordained. The training of people for Ordained Ministry in the Church of Ireland has been undergoing change and periods of transition are often times of uncertainty, but the vocation to this work in the Church of God remains the same and we are thankful for those whose ministry in this capacity is faithful."
Down & Dromore
The ordination of Presbyters will be held in St Finnian's Parish Church, Cregagh, at 4pm on Sunday 5 June 2011.
Jack Kinkead ( Cregagh)
Lynne Gibson (Dundela)
This year's deacons will be the first set of 'interns' and the ordination will be held on Sunday 28 August at 4pm in Shankill Parish, Lurgan.
Deacon Interns:
Caroline Mansley ( Willowfield)
Colin McConaghie ( Seagoe)
Matthew Milliken (Shankill)
Emma Rutherford ( Ballynafeigh)
At the Theological Institute
1st Year MTh Full time: 7 students
1st Year MTh Part time: 4 students
2nd Year MTh Part time: 5 students
Foundation Course 2011-2012: 31 Students
For details of ordinations in other dioceses in 2011 in PDF format click here but please note that the Derry diocese date is 19th June and not the 9th.