• 28 June 2011

On Our Doorstep: Poverty Report launched

'On Our Doorstep,' the report from the Bishop's Poverty Think Tank exploring poverty within the diocesan boundaries, was launched at the Diocesan Synod on 28 June.

Revd Nigel Kirkpatrick introduced the report and Gail Redmond spoke of the impact of the Via Wings Project in Dromore before Think Tank chairman, Canon David McClay, commended the report to Synod.

The report outlines the different types of poverty found in the diocese and offers insights to help parishes better understand the problems that many people are facing. It contends that all of us, no matter how affluent an area we live in, will have poverty on our doorstep. We simply need to identify it and resolve as parishes to help in some way.

There is a firm Biblical basis for care for the poor and the report contains some helpful theological reflection as well as suggestions for action. It will also challenge our attitudes to those struggling with debt, unemployment and deprivation.

The report acknowledges that the current economic situation means we are likely to see an increase in the number of people struggling financially. It recognises our need  to equip ourselves with the necessary skills and resources and makes recommendations accordingly.

The report's authors, though not all Church of Ireland, live and work in Down & Dromore and have particular areas of interest or expertise. Bishop Harold is also grateful for the contribution of the many others who completed the Poverty Survey hosted on the diocesan website.

Some copies are going to all the parishes in the diocese but you can download a full colour PDF version by clicking here.

We encourage you to make this download available on your parish website.