• 06 June 2011

Reflections on a year of ordained ministry

Congratulations to Revds Lynne Gibson and Jack Kinkead who were ordained priest on Sunday 5th June in St Finnian's, Cregagh. The preacher at the service was the rector of St Mark's Dundela and soon to be Bishop of Clogher, Revd John McDowell.

We asked Lynne and Jack to reflect on the first year of their curacies...


One year into the ordained ministry, as I prepare to be ordained priest, it is impossible to describe that first year in one word.

Nothing in life or in theological college can truly prepare you for the ordained ministry.

It is a steep learning curve, as you learn the ways of a parish, its people and its pattern of worship.  You can spend a lot of time smiling and saying a vague 'hello' to people in Tesco on your day off before you start to put names to the sea of faces.

It’s hard work, and has been a busy round of organisations and activities.  It has been good to be part of our Youth Fellowship team, and great fun building up our Young Families Group - even if organising the Chocolate Fiesta, with chocolate fountains, may have pushed the whole ‘Vicar of Dibley’ thing too far!

It is a joy to be part of a parish where traditional worship and choral music are cherished – and where the choir are patient and forgiving with a non-musical curate!

Above all, serving as a curate in St Marks has been a privilege.  It is both challenging and humbling to be welcomed into people’s lives and homes, to journey with them through times of joy and sadness, and to share in their celebrations and their grief.

As I prepare for ordination to the priesthood back in my old home parish of St Finnians, Cregagh on 5th June, it is with the knowledge that St Mark’s is to lose its Rector in the next few months, and that I will be in one sense ‘in at the deep end’.

While we are saddened at the news of his departure, St Mark’s are pleased and proud that Revd John McDowell has been elected Bishop of Clogher. I am grateful for the opportunity that I have had to work alongside John, and to learn from his wisdom, experience and example.

In the past year, I have been heartened and sustained by the prayers and support of the people of St Mark’s, and the warmth of their welcome, and I am confident that, whatever God has planned for the next stage of the journey, He will equip me for His service.


On the 20th June last year I was ordained Deacon, and moved to work in St. Finnian’s.

While I enjoyed the years spent in training and formation, it has been fantastic over the past year to be able to get started, and do what I have been called to do.

My first year in St. Finnian’s has been an extremely enjoyable one – I have enjoyed getting to meet the people and settling into my new role in ministry. I have really enjoyed the diversity of people and the variety of life and work in the parish – from being desk bound in sermon preparation, to doing battle with some over hanging branches in the parish Work Week!

I feel very happy and very settled in this parish, and truly blessed by God. Whatever his plans may hold for me in the future, I am very content to continue to place my trust in him, safe in the knowledge that he will not let me down.

I feel honoured and humbled as I prepare to be ordained Priest in God’s church, but always mindful that primarily I have been called to serve.

Photo of the presbyters with Bishop Harold courtesy of Mr Bill Christie.