Spire at Seapatrick is dedicated
The big summer news in Banbridge was undoubtedly the dedication of the newly refurbished Seapatrick church spire on Sunday 26th June by the Bishop. It was a wonderful occasion and brings to a most satisfying and satidfactory conclusion the summation of a magnificent year's work.
The service was attended by representatives of many groups, organisations and firms who contributed to the success in a varitey of ways and also many parishioners, past parishioners and friends who donated towards the cost.
The Leader Newspaper produced a special supplement for people to keep as a souvenir of the occasion.
The rector, Archdeacon John Scott chose the 20th anniversary of his coming to Seapatrick Parish to launch the appeal 'Save our Spire'.
For some time the familiar lean on the parish spire had been giving cause for concern and health and safety issues demanded professional attention. Preliminary investigations demanded a major scheme to refurbish and secure the spire for future generations. Consarc Design Group was appointed as architects to oversee the project.
Taking inspiration from the Old Testament prophet Nehemiah who returned from exile and rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days, John Scott aimed to complete his project in 52 weeks (1 year).
His challenge to his congregation and the wider community of Banbridge, all of which see the landmark spire as part of the heritage of the town, was to have the spire down, up and paid for in one year. With Heritage Funding already applied for to cover part of the cost, he set a target of £200,000 to be raised equally by way of donation and special fund-raising events - all in one year.
As an incentive to all and for posterity three time capsules were placed inside the refurbished spire. Each contained an alphabetical list of donors. One records gifts of £100 the second, gifts of £500 and the third, gifts of £1000 respectively.
A Contributor's Book has also been kept for reference purposes.